How to Allow Yourself to Evolve

Allow yourself to evolve.

Change happens. Evolution happens. It happens every second of your human life. We, as human beings, naturally evolve and change. Each moment is different from the last and the next. 

Yes, change and the process of evolving is challenging, and we tend to resist it because we like to hold onto what’s safe, known, and within our control. 

Then there’s FEAR of the unknown.

If you’re anything like me, I always like to know the future, which sounds ridiculous, but that’s my ego’s need for control and safety. 

But what if we allowed ourselves to embrace change and our natural evolution AND experience it as opportunities for transformation towards becoming the best version of ourselves?

Because in my personal experience, resisting change creates stress, suffering, and anxiety because I’m holding tightly onto the past and my need for control.

So how do you allow yourself to evolve? Here is a 4-step process:

  1. Let go of the past because all you have is the present moment.

    • You are who you are now, and you were not the same person even 5 minutes ago, let alone 1 month ago. Also, who you are right now won’t be the same person you’ll be tomorrow.

  2. Acknowledge the fear because it’s an emotion that can also hold us back from embracing the necessary changes for our evolution. 

    • Whatever the fear is (fear of criticism, fear of failure, fear of the unknown)

      1. name the type of fear you’re feeling

      2. acknowledge that fear is an emotion that just wants to protect you and keep you safe 

      3. Move the feeling of fear from your mind and out through your body.

  3. Keep yourself open to new ideas and experiences allows for opportunities for growth and transformation. 

    • Step out of your comfort zone and try new things. Here’s a starting point, but the list is endless. Tap into your curiosity and what feels like fun!

      1. Meet new people

      2. Try new foods

      3. Explore a new hobby

      4. Pursue a new career

4)  Seek support and a community to support your personal growth and evolution. We all need people to cheer us on, inspire us, hold us accountable, and challenge us. 

  • This can be your inner circle of friends, mentors, therapist, coach, and family members who support your evolution. 

Why am I sharing this with you?

Because I also have been working with allowing myself to evolve and embrace the process, especially in my career.

Evolving out of teaching and embracing the new work of life coaching has been a process that has both been challenging and transformative.

AND when I stopped resisting and allowing myself to embrace my natural evolution through the 4-step process, I felt at ease, things began to flow, and I was having fun.  

The 4-step process in allowing myself to evolve is a continual practice because this life is a continual journey. 

My coaching invitation is: How would life feel different if you allowed yourself to evolve by trying the 4-step process?

I’d be curious to know your thoughts on this topic. Send me an email with your thoughts. =)


How to create Sustainable Change in your Life


Have fun on the journey of creating change