Pause to Play and Celebrate

Pause with me to ponder what it looks like to allow yourself a moment of pause to play and celebrate today.

You get to define what play and celebration look like for you.

You get to choose what you’re celebrating about yourself, small or big, because everything is worth celebrating. I’m celebrating that I flossed all my teeth last night because that’s a habit I’m trying to do consistently! LOL!

When you make the time to pause to play and celebrate, you’ll naturally relieve tension and connect with your joy.

Life doesn’t have to be so serious all the time. Allow yourself to pause to play and celebrate because YOU’RE WORTH IT!

Why am I sharing about pausing to play and celebrate?

Because, TBH, I was struggling with what to write today. I had so many ideas, which led to overthinking, and down the rabbit hole, I went into overanalyzing and self-criticizing my thoughts. So I paused, and my intuition led me to pull an oracle card from the “Work Your Light” by Rebecca Campbell (another tool in my toolbox when I need an affirmation or reminder).

The card that my intuitive self pulled was a reminder to play. Have fun. Celebrate. Don’t be so serious. 😜

Ooof, my soul needed this reminder because I have difficulty pausing to play and celebrate. Pausing to play and celebrate is a practice I’ve had to intentionally and consciously do in the past couple of years because societal and cultural conditioning created my tendency to continually work hard from fear of “falling behind,” “not doing enough,” or “missing out.” Simply put: it’s the scarcity mentality.

Pausing is hard enough because we live in a society that values hustling, productivity, and working hard. Still, the practice of pausing brings you to the present moment to connect with your intuition to choose what you need.

This morning:

Pausing looked like stepping away from my laptop (because I had already sat for 10 minutes starring at the blank screen)

Playing looked like following my intuition to have fun and pull a card from my oracle card deck.

Celebrating is going to look like writing down all the fabulous fun things that I’ve been able to experience and do over the past several months.

How would I celebrate? I had to tune into how I wanted to celebrate myself. Weather permitting, I’d love to head to the coast to my favorite coastal trail and beach. If not, the second option would be to give me time to relax in the quietness of my home.

What does it look like for you to give yourself a moment to pause to play and celebrate?


🎶 You've got the power 💪🏼✨🙌🏼


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