Redefining Success: Creating Your Own Definition as a Working Mom

Hey there, fabulous working moms! Let's talk about something that’s transformed the way I feel as a working mom: redefining success as a mom. I know firsthand the struggles that come with balancing a career and raising a family. It's a juggling act that can leave you feeling like you're constantly dropping the ball. But here's the thing – it doesn't have to be that way. By redefining what success means to you, you can find satisfaction and joy in both your professional and personal life. 

Understanding Societal’s Programmed Idea of Success

You know those societal expectations and conditioning that tell you being a successful mom means having a spotless house, homemade organic meals every night, volunteering at your kids’ school, and a thriving career? Yeah, cue in the hysterical “Are you kidding me, that’s a bunch of BS” laughter.  🤣I used to beat myself up trying to live up to those standards/”shoulds,”  and let me tell you, it was tiring. 😩But guess what? You don't have to follow anyone else's idea of success; that’s literally giving your power away. Your journey is unique, and your definition of success should reflect that. You do YOU, mama!

The Traps of Comparison and Perfectionism

Raise your hand if you've ever scrolled through Instagram and felt like everyone else has their life together except you. 🙋🏻‍♀️Raises hand Yep, been there, done that. Cue in my infamous phrase: “Compare and Despair”. Comparing ourselves to others is a surefire way to zap our self-confidence and happiness. And don't even get me started on perfectionism. 👎I used to think I had to be the perfect mom, the perfect employee, the perfect everything. But you know what? Perfect is boring, it’s unattainable, it’s an illusion, and it leads to burnout. Yikes! Instead, embrace your imperfections because they make you a beautiful human being, just the way you are.

Identifying Your Values and Priorities

What's important to you? Like, really important? What do you value? Take a moment to think about it. For me, my well-being always comes first, then family, and then career. Knowing your values and priorities is like having a compass that guides you through life's ups and downs. It helps you make decisions that align with what truly matters to you. So grab a pen and paper and jot down your top values. Trust me, it's an eye-opening exercise that’ll empower you. 

Crafting Your Personal Definition of Success

Now that you know what's important to you, it's time to redefine success on your own terms. Maybe success for you means leaving work on time so you can make it to your kiddo's soccer game. Or maybe it's finally launching that passion project you've been dreaming about. Whatever it is, make sure it lights you up inside. Success isn't just about climbing the corporate ladder, becoming rich and famous,  or having a Pinterest-perfect home. Success is about living a life that feels fulfilling and meaningful to you, and you get to define that.

Balancing Career and Motherhood

Ah, the tricky work-life balance. I’m not a fan of the word “balance,” but we’re gonna go with it here because it’s commonly used. Work-life balance is something we all strive for but rarely achieve. Here's the truth: balance looks different for everyone, and it's not always 50/50. Some days, you might be slaying it at work, while other days, you're rocking the mom game. And you know what? That's perfectly okay. Cut yourself some slack and focus on doing the best you can with the time and energy you have. It’s about figuring out your unique blending of career and motherhood versus figuring out a balance.

Nurturing Self-Compassion and Self-Care

Moms, repeat after me: self-care is not selfish, it’s self-leadership. Say it louder for the people in the back! 📣Taking care of yourself isn't just important – it's essential. You can't pour from an empty cup, so make sure you're filling yours up regularly. Whether it's taking a bubble bath, going for a walk, or indulging in a guilty pleasure (hello, chocolate, or red wine for me!), find what recharges your batteries and make it a priority.

Cultivating Resilience in the Face of Challenges

Life is messy, unpredictable, and full of challenges. But here's the thing: you're stronger than you think. Every setback, every obstacle, every failure – they're all opportunities for growth and learning. When things go wrong, practice accepting the experience instead of dwelling on what went wrong, and then focus on how you can bounce back stronger than ever. You've got this, mama. I believe in you.

Modeling Success for Your Children

As moms, we're our children's first role models. They're watching our every move, soaking up our attitudes and behaviors like little sponges. So, what kind of example do you want to set for them? Show them that success isn't about being perfect or achieving some societal standard. It's about being true to yourself, following what lights you up, and never giving up, no matter what life throws your way.

Wrapping it up

So there you have it, working moms. Success isn't one-size-fits-all. It's a personal journey that looks different for everyone. By redefining success on your own terms, you can create a life that's fulfilling, joyful, and uniquely yours. So go ahead, embrace your authenticity, chase your dreams, and know that you are enough, just as you are.

If you want to manage your responsibilities with confidence and satisfaction by creating your own definition of success, then book a free 30-minute sales call with me.

During the call, we'll get to know each other and discuss your goals, any roadblocks you've encountered, and solutions you've tried. Together, we'll create a plan for one-on-one coaching support to help you achieve your goals. I'll also be sure to answer any questions you have about working together and the coaching package.

👋 Hello! I’m Jocelyn! I help career-driven moms manage their responsibilities with confidence and satisfaction by shifting their mindset and aligning with their values so that they can stop feeling overwhelmed and stressed. My goal as your coach is to help you become the best version of yourself for your career and home.


From Overwhelmed to Organized: Tips for Busy Moms


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