Strengthen Your Self-Confidence as working mom with this WIN-ing Habit

You need WINs to recognize yourself and feel a sense of progress and accomplishment.

When I was a reading specialist for my school, we started a school-wide program called WIN mornings. WIN stands for “What I Need.” The program's intention was for students to get what they needed through intentional and tailored instruction so that they could feel that WIN as learners.

Do you know what happened after consistently carving out WIN mornings with my students? Not only did their skills grow, but most importantly, their self-confidence and belief in themselves expanded.

This is what’s possible when you intentionally carve out space and time to give yourself what you need as a working mom.

When was the last time you allowed yourself to celebrate yourself, honor your emotions, and acknowledge your needs?

Internal validation builds your self-love and self-confidence, which ultimately strengthens your self-worth.

Let’s talk about building a WIN-ing habit for you that celebrates your wins, honors your emotions, and intentionally identifies your needs.

Here’s a twist on the word WIN that I created and have practiced:

W: What wins/successes did I have today?

Wins can be as simple as “I woke up on time today” or as big as “I was recognized at a team meeting for my contribution to the project.” Anything and everything can be a win!

I: How did I feel today?

Focus on your inner world of emotions; this will help you build emotional awareness and intelligence. Here’s the Feelings Wheel by Calm that you can reference to help you identify your emotions.

N: What do I need?

Identify your needs. What do you need moving forward? Is it allowing yourself to rest? Scheduling time to connect with someone? Time to journal? A sweet treat to celebrate your win?

Download the free WIN tracker to help you track your WINs!

Do you struggle to prioritize "me time" and create a regular self-care routine? I can help you break through the barriers that make it challenging to prioritize consistent time for yourself. Click the link below to schedule a FREE 45-minute coaching session today!


How to Thrive as a Working Mom: 7 Essential Strategies