S3EP7: My #1 Insight on Parenting my Pre-Teens as a Working Mom

Ever wonder if parenting gets any easier? The answer is yes and no.

Baby stage:

🥴 It was hard with the multiple feedings and nap schedules; they need you all the time because their life depends on you.

💕 It was easy because all they wanted was to cuddle and snuggle with you, and that was enough. 

Toddler stage:

🥴 It was hard because of the potty training and the "three-nager" tantrums. They learned to have a voice, saying "no," and figuring out what boundaries they could push (i.e., can I stick my finger inside the wall outlet?)

💕It was easy because now I didn't have to lug around as much baby stuff, and our schedule seemed to open up more because we were down to one nap a day. They still thought every new experience was cool and interesting. 

Elementary Age:

🥴 When my kids started elementary school, there was homework, after-school activities, etc. It was challenging to manage a schedule for myself and my kids while also trying really hard not to compare myself to other moms who were sharing what their kids were doing as after-school activities. 

💕 Parenting became a little easier because my kids were even more independent. They could pack their snacks and lunch, brush their own teeth, and be responsible for their things without needing me. 


Tune into today's episode, where I share my #1 insight into how parenting pre-teens is easy and hard/stretching and what you can do as a working mom to navigate this life stage with confidence and grace. 


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Season 3, Episode 6: Beyond Guilt: How to Set Boundaries and Thrive as a Working Mom