Season 3, Episode 2: Elevating Self-Awareness through Spirituality for Working Moms with Bree and Jeannette

Discover the tool that elevates your consciousness and experience life to the fullest!

Join Jocelyn Auyeung, Bree Overly, and Jeanette Raucci on an insightful journey of self-discovery for working moms. In this heartfelt episode, the discussion revolves around incorporating spirituality into one's life to deepen, elevate, and expand self-awareness.

Bree and Jeanette candidly share their experiences, highlighting the positive impact of spirituality on their lives. This conversation serves as a guide for busy working moms to enhance their self-awareness and spiritual well-being.

Discover how integrating spirituality into your daily routine can bring a sense of fulfillment and wholeness amidst the demands of motherhood and work life. Tune in for a thoughtful exploration of the intersection between spirituality and self-awareness that benefits working mothers, complete with practical insights and personal anecdotes.


Bree is a coach for parents of gifted, twice-exceptional, neurodivergent children. Her primary focus is coaching clients to help them understand their parenting experience, navigate the unique approach to parenting their children's needs, and raise awareness of their own needs. By training, Bree is a certified life coach and has a master’s degree in education. She has an inherent interest in learning, deep personal growth, mindfulness, and the human experience.

Bree coaches clients through Gifted Together, a Seattle-based psychotherapy group specializing in gifted and twice-exceptional families. If you are interested in working with her, visit, and complete the inquiry form. She works with clients across the United States.

Ways to connect with Bree:


Bree Overly's LinkedIn


Jeanette is an ICF Certified Empowerment & Integration Coach, a Soul Journey Mentor, and a Personal Autonomy Advocate. Her purpose is to help humans feel validated in who they are, connected to something greater, and bring purpose to their present lifetime.

Check out her Soul Story offering: Soul Story - Full Soul Story available via Etsy.

Connect with Jeanette:

Youtube: @aselfempowered


Do you love a good checklist to keep you organized and less overwhelmed with all the things your brain has to remember as a working mom? Download the "Monthly Checklist for Working Moms" that'll help you get organized for every month of the year!

Let's connect!


Season 3, Episode 3: Restoring your Health and Well-Being as a Working Mom by tuning into the Wisdom of MOther Nature with Aja J. Arc


Season 3, Episode 1: Well-Being Tips for Busy Working Moms