Create your Ideal Working Mom life

The career that’s giving you financial success, meaningful work, and quality time with your kids happens when you’re taking action steps aligned with your values. 

When you identify the values that are important to you, it helps you intentionally make decisions and take action towards what you want to manifest in your life. 

You have a vision and a desire of what you want in your life as a working mom. 

You want a career that satisfies your desire to impact the world and have something that is just for you. 

You also want to be that mom who’s present for her kids so that you can have meaningful connections with them. 

How do you attain it all? Start with identifying your values and learning how to use your values to have a satisfying career mom life where you do meaningful work, receive financial success, and have memorable moments with your kids. 

A few years ago, I began identifying my values for each season of life. Every time I sit down to identify the values that are important to me at the time, it clarifies the direction I want to head toward. I can then focus on identifying what next decisions and actions I need to make and take so that they create the life I want to live as a working mom.

Your values are the core foundation of who you are, what’s important to you, and how you live (or want to live). 

Recently, a past client shared with me how she got to experience a memorable moment with her son because she was living out one of the values she identified through our coaching time together. She manifested this moment for herself as a working mom, and the emojis say it all. It's heart-warming and life-giving to her. 💕

If you’re ready to easily manifest your ideal working mom life aligned with your values, then book a free 30-minute coaching conversation for us to chat about working together.


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