It’s OKay to Say “No

The reason why it’s hard to blend your successful career with being a present parent is because you don’t know how to say “no” to others and their requests. When you learn to say “no” without feeling guilty, you’ll have more time and energy to focus on your career and parenting.

If you’re anything like me, I used to struggle with saying “no” to other people’s requests. I was a people pleaser, and I used to respond with an insecure “yes” because I was afraid to disappoint the other person and worried about what they would think of me if I said “no.” I spent so much time and energy people-pleasing that I always felt drained, which meant I didn’t have the time and energy to focus on what was important: my kids, family, and career. 

🫣 Oof, that was a BIG wake-up call.

I decided to learn how to say “no” without feeling guilty to honor my time and energy while also honoring the other person because you don’t have to be an a** when you say “no.” 😉

Now, I can check in with myself whenever someone asks something from me, whether it is to hang out, do a favor, or collaborate on something, and respond with a respectful “no” or a confident “yes.” 

Life is now full of time and energy for the things that matter, which are having quality time with my kids and having fun doing work I love in my career! 

I invite you to pause and reflect here for yourself:

  • In what life situations do you have difficulty saying “no,” and why is it hard to say “no”?

  • In those same life situations, what would you like to do instead?  

  • Now that you’ve identified what you’d like to do instead, what’s one tiny step you can take to move towards this?

Send me an email to let me know your thoughts on those questions above. I’m here to support you. 🤗🙌🏼


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