Season 2, Episode 1: Cut Out the Work Stress: Tips for Working Moms (Part 1)

Welcome to the Empowered Working Mom Revolution podcast, where we're on a mission to help incredible working moms like you find balance, joy, and fulfillment in your lives. I'm your host, Jocelyn Auyeung, a certified Life Coach for working moms. In this episode, we're diving into the topic of work stress, something that's all too familiar for many of us.

I recently fell ill with COVID-19, and the stress of juggling work and health was real. But it made me realize that it's possible to cut out work stress from our lives. So, today, I'm sharing two actionable tips with you.

First, start by identifying how stress manifests in your body and mind. Building awareness around this is crucial because it empowers you to choose your response to stress. Does it show up as physical tension, like headaches or tightness in your chest? Or is it a barrage of anxious thoughts?

The second tip is recognizing your natural habits when stress hits. Do you tend to overwork, like I do, or you distract yourself with Netflix or online shopping? Once you're aware of these habits, you can decide if they truly help you deal with stress or if it's time to develop new, healthier ones.

Now, here's your call to action: Put these tips into practice. Begin by acknowledging how stress affects your body and mind, and notice your habitual reactions. Then, introduce a pause when you feel stressed and ask yourself if your response is empowering or reactive. You have the power to make a change.

If you're a working mom seeking guidance on eliminating work stress, I invite you to connect with me. Visit to book a free 30-minute conversation with me.

Join us next Wednesday for more insights on revolutionizing your life as a working mom. Don't forget to hit that subscribe button and embark on this transformative journey with us.

Thanks for tuning in to the Empowered Working Mom Revolution podcast. Have a fantastic day and week ahead. See you next time! Bye, y'all!

Do you love a good checklist to keep you organized and less overwhelmed with all the things your brain has to remember as a working mom? Download the "Monthly Checklist for Working Moms" that'll help you get organized for every month of the year!

A HUGE shoutout to my newsletter subscribers, Instagram followers, Facebook Friends, and LinkedIn Connections for gifting their time, and energy, and vote for the new podcast cover!

A special SHOUTOUT goes to these individuals for their vote:

  • KFong

  • Elissa Kennedy

  • Grace Yu

  • Regine Theodat

  • Elissa Kennedy

  • Marivic Walch


Season 2, Episode 2: Cut out the Work Stress: Tips for Working moms (Part 2)


Season 2 Trailer: Empowered Working Mom Revolution Podcast