Season 2, Episode 2: Cut out the Work Stress: Tips for Working moms (Part 2)

Welcome to the Empowered Working Mom Revolution Podcast, where we're on a mission to help incredible working moms like you find that ideal work-life balance. I'm Jocelyn Auyeung, your host and certified life coach, here to guide you on a journey to a life filled with joy, fun, and fulfillment.

In today's episode, we're diving into the second part of our series on cutting out work stress tips for working moms. If you missed Part 1, be sure to check it out. We'll explore three personalized tips for responding to work stress because there's no one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to handling stress.

But before we dive in, remember the power of pause. Taking a moment to pause allows you to break free from the cycle of reactive behavior and regain control. It's a simple yet powerful tool you can use universally in any situation.

Now, let's get into the tips.

Tip #1: Move that physical feeling of stress through and out of your body. When stress lingers in your body, it can lead to burnout and physical symptoms. Ask yourself, "How can I release this physical stress?" Some options include working out, taking a long shower, journaling, or talking to a trusted friend. Experiment and find what works best for you.

Tip #2: Clear your mind for clarity. When stressed, our minds can become cluttered with overwhelming thoughts. Instead of resisting or forcing them away, try challenging and reframing your thoughts. Ask, "How true is this thought?" Another approach is to allow your thoughts to pass through like clouds in the sky. Remember, it's about observing without judgment.

Tip #3: Prioritize what's truly important. After moving the stress out of your body and clearing your mind, you can think clearly. Now, ask yourself: What's genuinely important in this moment? Consider completion levels, control, and practice self-compassion for any unfinished tasks.

To put these tips into action, ask yourself: What does it look like to practice these tips in my daily life? Which tip resonates with me the most, and how can I experiment with it?

And here's your special invitation: If you're a working mom seeking personalized guidance on managing work stress, book a free 30-minute coaching conversation with me. We'll explore how you experience stress and discover strategies tailored to your unique needs. Visit to schedule your session.

Don't forget to hit that subscribe button to join us on this transformative journey every Wednesday. We're here to revolutionize how you show up as a working mom, making remarkable changes in yourself, your family, and the world around you.

Thank you for tuning in to the Empowered Working Mom Revolution Podcast. I can't wait to connect with you again next week. Bye for now!

Let’s take empowered action together to change your stress cycle!  Come and join me at the FREE monthly virtual Working Moms’ Power Hour that I’m hosting on Friday, October 6th, at 11 a.m. PDT. Register at

Working Moms’ Power Hour:

Are you a working mom looking to enhance your life? Join us for the Working Moms' Power Hour, where like-minded, empowered working moms come together to create magic in their lives. Connect with fellow working moms who are dedicated to thriving both in their careers and as incredible parents. You'll gain access to transformative tools and practices that will empower you to take decisive action so that you can be the present mom whose creating cherished memories and deeper connections with your kids, excel in your career that boosts your income, and finally find time for self-care and personal pursuits.

Join us at the Working Moms' Power Hour – where empowerment happens in just one hour! You'll leave feeling strong, inspired, and ready to take on anything that comes your way.

Register today at


Season 2, Episode 4: Mini-Moment: Modeling Possibilities for Yourself and Your Kids


Season 2, Episode 1: Cut Out the Work Stress: Tips for Working Moms (Part 1)